Logistics for functional foods (gel, powder, water, tablets …)
Functional foods with the English name (Functional Foods) are made mainly of natural ingredients, have nutritional effects, support beauty, increase the body’s resistance to reduce the risk of disease. Create a sense of comfort such as: eat better, sleep deeply with people with long-term insomnia, dizziness, stomach pain … Add many essential vitamins and minerals to help balance and ensure nutrients for the body. Therefore, the demand for imported functional foods is increasing. However, enterprises need to note the necessary procedures to import this item.
Specifically, from February 2, 2018, food products in general as well as functional foods in particular, when imported, must make a self-declaration of food safety and hygiene for imported products. The purpose is for businesses to take responsibility for the products they import and that will also be the basis to check whether imported products meet quality standards or not.
Legal basis: Decree 15/2018 / ND-CP detailing the implementation of a number of food safety laws. Thus, the import of functional foods needs two things as follows: Self-declaration of food hygiene and safety before importing products and checking quality when goods are imported.
The process of importing functional foods in 2019:
Step 1: Enter the code of the functional food product intended to import first, enter the sample and then carry out the procedures for self-declaration of food safety and hygiene for the product in accordance with the instructions in Article 4.5 of Decree No. 15/2018 / ND-CP .
Step 2: After having the certificate of self-declaration of food safety and hygiene, import the goods. Goods arriving at the port shall register for quality inspection at the one-stop information portal, then be issued with a registration number and bring them to the designated quality inspection place for registration.
Step 3: Open the customs declaration, bring the goods to be preserved and the registration for quality inspection to bring the goods to the storage warehouse, then bring the sample to quality inspection. When the certificate is available, the goods will be cleared.
Self-declaration of food safety and hygiene: Pursuant to Decree 15/2018 / ND-CP
Article 5, Dossier of announcement, order of product announcement – Import of functional foods in 2019
1.Self-declaration documents include:
2.a) The product self-declaration using the Form No. 01, Appendix I to this Decree;
3. b) The results of food safety testing of products within 12 months to the date of submission issued by a designated testing laboratory or an ISO 17025 accredited testing laboratory including safety criteria. Safety standards are promulgated by the Ministry of Health on the principles of risk management in accordance with international regulations or safety criteria according to relevant regulations and standards announced by organizations or individuals in case of absence. regulations of the Ministry of Health (original or certified copy).
2 The self-declaration of products is done in the following order:
3 a) Organizations and individuals self-publish products on their mass media or website or publicly post them at the headquarters of organizations and individuals and submit 01 (one) copy by way post office or directly to a competent state management agency designated by the People’s Committee of the province or centrally run city (hereinafter referred to as the provincial People’s Committee);
4 b) Immediately after self-declaration, organizations and individuals are entitled to manufacture and trade the product and take full responsibility for the safety of such products;
5 c) Competent state management agencies to receive self-declaration of organizations and individuals to store dossiers and post names of organizations, individuals and self-published products on the website. death of the receiving authority.
In case the organization or individual has 02 (two) manufacturers or more that produce the same product, the organization or individual shall only submit the application at one state management agency in the locality with the production selected by organizations or individuals. When a state management agency is selected to submit a dossier, the subsequent self-declaration must submit a dossier to the previously selected agency.
Documents in self-declaration must be in Vietnamese language; In cases where a document is in a foreign language, it must be translated into Vietnamese and notarized. Document must be valid at the time of self-publication.
In case the product has any change in product name, origin, ingredients, the organization or individual must self-declare the product. In other cases of changes, organizations and individuals shall notify in writing the contents of the changes to competent state management agencies and may produce and trade in products right after sending notices.
Note: A product is subject to a self-declaration, and is valid for one year from the date of certification. Thus, in a year, if similar products are imported, they are not required to register for self-declaration of food safety and hygiene.
Quality control – Functional food imports in 2019
Decree 15/2018 / ND-CP
An application for inspection by mode of reduced inspection includes:
a) The product self-declaration;
b) 03 (three) Notification of results of certification of food satisfying consecutive import requirements by normal inspection, or an authenticated copy or a legal original
d) A copy of the List of Goods (Packing list);
dd) In the case of the product specified in Article 14 of this Decree, a certificate of compliance with food safety regulations issued by a competent authority of the exporting country (original) is required, except for fish caught and processed by foreign fishing vessels and sold directly to Vietnam.
Customs clearance dossiers – Import of functional foods in 2019
Invoice, Parking List
Customs declaration, Bill of Lading
C / O (if any)
Certificate of self-declaration of food safety and hygiene
Quality certification
Source: collect
If you need assistance with import and export of international goods, you can contact our Smart Link team, for advice on service advice as well as necessary related customs procedures.